We modify the default analysis notebook to build an analysis on a dataset from a different source. Again we work with data about a MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) but instead of building a new analysis we fit the data into the existing data model and reuse the analysis on the model.
A conservative set of libraries is still used. Further standard library libraries are also used during the data preparation.
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
np.__version__, pd.__version__, matplotlib.__version__
Remember that a jupyter
notebook follows the rule
of placing dependencies above the dependent code.
Oft one needs to run the cells above the current cell in order for the code to work.
Remember that all code state is forgotten once you shutdown jupyter
in which case the notebook needs to be re-run.
For the main changes in the parts of the analysis we have:
The Data Model is the same but the loading of data into it is completely different. Notably the data from Edraak is not cleansed from personal identifiers and we need to be careful to not expose sensitive information.
General Analysis is common and mostly reused. Albeit there is no step start data in Edraak, and we need to remove that part of the analysis.
Extra Analysis is just the use of question responses with more participant statistics.
The data model itself needs a few minimal changes, for Edraak we have:
A fact table called response
with one main foreign key called participant_id
it represents the activity and responses of participants to the activity steps.
The main dimension will be called participant
and use participant_id
as its primary key.
The participant
dimension will aggregate unto itself everything we know about each
participant from all source of data.
The step
fact table in the original data model cannot be constructed from Edraak data.
In the response
fact the primary key will be the uniqueness of participant_id
, step
and question
In order to fit our data model we build the fact and dimension as follows:
is built from student-profile
and a hashed
(to protect personal data) username
is renamed to participant_id
is constructed from several data files with answers per questionnaire.
The username
is hashed in exactly the same fashion as in participant
and again used as the participant_id
The names of the CSV files may differ, one must remember to verify the file names, which must live in the same directory as the notebook. Also note that the filenames have the name of the MOOC course removed.
Another worry with the Edraak data is the presence of personally identifiable data.
And this is an issue we need to handle before displaying any of the data.
We build a hasher function call from the first $8$ bytes ($16$ nibbles)
of a cryptographic hash. $8$ bytes fit nicely in both numpy
data types (uint64
and processor words for very fast table linking.
import hashlib
def scramble_personal(data, hexadecimal=False):
hexdigest = hashlib.sha1(data.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()[:16]
if hexadecimal:
return hexdigest
# 16 nibbles fit exactly in np.uint64
return np.uint64(int(hexdigest, 16))
scramble_hex = lambda x: scramble_personal(x, hexadecimal=True)
As we load the profile data we apply the hasher function on the sensitive columns right away.
We hash the username
into a number for easy processing
and the names and emails into a hexadecimal representation.
Note that the file must be named student-profile.csv in order to load.
profile = pd.read_csv('student-profile.csv', index_col='id')
profile['username'] = profile['username'].apply(scramble_personal)
profile['name'] = profile['name'].apply(scramble_hex)
profile['email'] = profile['email'].apply(scramble_hex)
profile.drop(['mailing_address', 'goals'], axis=1, inplace=True)
Hashes squeeze information into a small space, where the same information should always be placed within the same place within that space and distinct information should be placed in different places. Cryptographic hashes are designed to spread the incoming information in an uniform fashion within that space but two different pieces of information can still end up assigned to the same location within that space as it is limited.
When two different pieces of information are placed in the same place, i.e. the output of the hash is the same for different inputs, it is called a hash collision. On occasion a few collisions may happen. Since we care about statistics hash collisions are rare enough that we can consider them negligible and just remove them.
collision = len(profile) - len(profile.groupby('username').size())
profile = profile.groupby('username').first().reset_index()
print(f'hash collisions {collision}')
To build the answers to the questions into a data structure we need to parse several files. All files must follow a naming convention so that we will find them. We will assume that all files with questionnaire answers are named as week-N-q-M.csv where N is the week number and M the question number. For example, data for week $2$ question $3$ must live in the file week-2-q-3.csv.
Also note that the most important piece of information is the value of the answer, and in Edraak data these values are under the column named إجابة. A change in the name of this column will break the code and should be checked.
import glob, re
def read_week(w, q, filename):
week = pd.read_csv(filename)
week = week.rename(columns={
'إجابة': 'response',
'username': 'participant_id',
week['week'] = w
week['step'] = 1
week['question'] = q
week['participant_id'] = week.participant_id.apply(scramble_personal)
return week[['participant_id', 'week', 'step', 'question', 'response']].dropna()
all_weeks = sorted(glob.glob('week-*'))
dfs = []
for w in all_weeks:
groups = re.match('week-(\d+)-q-(\d+)', w).groups()
groups = list(map(int, groups))
week = dfs[0].append(dfs[1:])
We have hence renamed the columns to response
and participant_id
and hashed any possible identifiable data.
Since we again hashed the data we may have new collisions, which we automatically remove.
groups = ['participant_id', 'week', 'step', 'question']
collision = len(week) - len(week.groupby(groups).size())
week = week.groupby(groups).first().reset_index()
print(f'hash collisions {collision}')
A few assumptions are made about the data before we process it.
Some of these sanity checks will be repeated once we transition into
the data model specified above but the earlier we find possible issues the better.
Each of the tests below should not fail and should return True
If that is not the case then one must go back to the files and rectify.
IDs for participants are unique.
len(profile.index.unique()) == len(profile)
Indexes such as weeks and steps must be integers.
Note that this also means that there are no null values
as numpy
does not allow for null integers.
Now we can place the data we have into the data model we defined. The naming convention is that we will never use the same variable name for the loaded data and the data model table, this naming convention ensures that columns can be re-run without too much care for the order in which they are re-run.
CONFIGURATION NEEDED Edraak data does not provide us with the ages of the participants but their age of birth. I order to calculate the age of the participants correctly we need to know in which year the MOOC has been run. Since we are dealing with statistics we can ignore further granularity such as days before or after a birthday.
# configuration, year the course did run
this_year = 2021
And with that we can calculate the ages and divide them in groups by decades. We can also cleanup a few columns that have null values.
participant = profile.copy()
participant.loc[participant.gender.isnull(), 'gender'] = 'unknown'
participant.loc[participant.country.isnull(), 'country'] = 'unknown'
participant = participant.rename(columns={'username': 'participant_id'})
participant.set_index('participant_id', inplace=True)
def age_range(yob):
y = int(yob)
return (this_year - y)//10
except ValueError:
return np.nan
participant['age_range'] = participant.year_of_birth.apply(age_range)
participant['age_range'] = participant.age_range.fillna(int(participant.age_range.mean()))
participant['age_range'] = participant.age_range.apply(lambda x: f'{x*10:.0f}-{(x+1)*10:.0f}')
Now we have the participant
dimension that fits the data model.
A few statistics are meaningless because of how the columns are coded, a good example is the education level in the Edraak data. Thankfully the Edraak documentation provides a mapping from the codes onto more meaningful names. A mapping which we will use to build a new column with the more meaningful names.
from collections import defaultdict
education = defaultdict(
lambda: 'unknown',
m='masters or professional degree',
b='bachelors degree',
a='associate degree',
hs='secondary/high school',
jhs='junior secondary/junior high/middle school',
el='elementary/primary school',
none='no formal education',
other='other education',
p_se='doctorate in science or engineering',
p_oth='doctorate in another field')
def make_education(e):
if not pd.isnull(e):
e = e.lower()
return education[e]
# we need to add a new column so re-running the cell does not break the data
participant['highest_education_level'] = participant.level_of_education.apply(make_education)
The work to fit the response
table has been mostly done
when we loaded the many files of questionnaire answers.
The only missing parts are related to steps,
data which does not exist for Edraak.
When we loaded the participant responses we dropped missing values. Hence, to fit the table int the data model, we simply argue that whoever answered the questions in the questionnaires must have started and completed the steps. It is a big assumption but in the face of missing information it is the best we can do.
response = week.copy()
response['started'] = True
response['completed'] = True
The majority of the data is a time series, hence the majority of comparisons are best made by self joins at a different time, e.g. compare this week with next week. Self joins may be tricky to read in code, and it may therefore be quite difficult to change. There are several unneeded condition in the code that are placed in order to make the code robust against corner cases. If you are changing the code please leave theses conditions be no matter how obvious it seems that these are not needed for the data currently processed.
We can perform a second set of sanity check on the data model itself.
Again each of the tests below should not fail and should return True
If all goes according to plan (no failures) we expect the rest
of the analysis to go smoothly.
Participant identifiers are unique.
len(participant.index) == len(participant.index.unique())
Every participant answered a question at most once.
response.groupby(['participant_id', 'week', 'step', 'question']).size().sum() == len(response)
This completes the data modeling part. Let us say aloud the assumption made about the data, assumptions that allow us to mathematically reason about the data.
Questions of interest will always have numeric values, where the biggest value means better and the lowest means worse.
A participant can only be enrolled once.
Question of interest will always be about a participant confidence in himself or some course of action. This allows us to make several further assumptions on response aggregation.
Step question answers are only answered once. When several answers are performed by the same participant we take the mean of the answer. This is an assumption based on the fact that we are asking about a participant's confidence, and a change of heart is part of our evaluation.
Since we miss step data in the Edraak data set we cannot perform graphs that plot on MOOC steps. Yet the majority of questionnaire response graphs can be made without any changes to the code. As the data was fitted into the data model we can reuse the graphs.
The most common error is to shutdown the notebook and then forget to re-run the code cell containing the graphing functions before attempting the graphs. Beware of that.
The following variable must be set to the groupings of week and step
in which the questionnaires of our interest are.
It must be a list of tuples (or equivalent) in the format (week_number, step_number)
For example, confidence = [(1, 3), (2, 6)]
tells us that the questionnaires of
interest are in week 1 step 3 and week 2 step 6.
There is no limitation as to how many questionnaires can be added or
that there must be a questionnaire per week.
As many questionnaires with any combination of week can be added.
A chronological order is not needed but recommended
as the graphs below assume chronological order.
# this is week 1 step 1, week 2 step 1 and week 3 step 1
confidence = [(1, 1), (2, 1), (3, 1)]
We then build a data structure based on the configuration provided. Note that we do not fully sanity check the configuration, it may happen that the following works without error and the graphs below become empty. If that happens the most likely cause is the incorrect setting of the variable above.
The sanity check below shall capture most (but not all) such issues. The following shall not error and shall print the number of question responses per questionnaire. If any of the numbers is $0$ (zero) then either a misconfiguration happened and/or it points to an empty questionnaire. The check will not catch questionnaires with only some questions missing.
all_steps = []
for w, s in confidence:
all_steps.append(response[(response.week == w) & (response.step == s)])
list(map(len, all_steps))
A questionnaire can be composed from several questions, next we plot the questionnaires against questions and build a histogram distribution of answers to each.
bins = int(response.response.max())
n_steps = len(all_steps)
n_questions = max(map(lambda x: len(x.question.unique()), all_steps))
fig, axs = plt.subplots(n_steps, n_questions, sharex=True, sharey=True, figsize=(22, n_steps*3))
for i in range(n_steps):
for j in range(n_questions):
this_step = all_steps[i]
this_step = this_step[this_step.question == j + 1]
next_step = all_steps[i+1] if i+1 < len(all_steps) else None
ax = axs[i, j]
_, edges, _ = ax.hist(this_step.response, bins=bins, color='orchid')
if next_step is not None:
next_step = next_step[['participant_id', 'question']]
next_step = next_step[next_step.question == j + 1].copy()
next_step.rename(columns={'question': 'next_week_question'}, inplace=True)
qtmp = pd.merge(this_step, next_step, on='participant_id', how='inner')
ax.hist(qtmp.response, bins=bins, color='seagreen')
if j == 0:
ax.set_ylabel(f'questionnaire {i+1}\nnumber of participants')
if i == 0:
ax.set_title(f'question {j+1}')
if i+1 == n_steps:
middles = (edges[:-1] + edges[1:]) / 2
ticks = np.array(list(range(bins))) + 1
ax.set_xlim(middles[0]-1, middles[-1]+1)
ax.set_xlabel(f'answer value')
plt.subplots_adjust(hspace=0, wspace=0)
Figure 1: Distributions of Answers Across Questionnaires. The higher the answer value the higher is the confidence of the participant in that area. The difference between colors again shows how many participants gave up on that week, in this case we take a participant that gave up by checking if he/she has answered the same question on the following questionnaire. The scales between all graphs are the same, the height can be compared to account for the change in confidence. Remember that a change in confidence if the difference between a previous graph (above from current) in green to the next graph (current) in indigo.
From this data we can see a consistent trend towards the right, notably from answers around $3$ towards $4$ and $5$.
We will build a data structure for question answers similar to the one used in the previous graph, but this time we will also build a structure for the participants that did advance in the course. Advanced to the next questionnaire, and the ones who advanced through the complete course.
# We could loop only once for everything,
# but that would assume that we always have only a single step of interest per week.
# Looping several times allow for less assumptions on the data.
all_resp = []
all_resp_adv = []
all_resp_comp = []
for w, s in confidence:
all_resp.append(response[(response.week == w) & (response.step == s)])
Once the structures are built we will join the tables with the participant table which will allow us to filter by the statistics we may want.
Note that this is all dependent on the setting of confidence configuration a few steps above.
def enrich_data(step_resp):
enriched = pd.merge(participant, step_resp, left_index=True, right_on='participant_id', how='right')
# sanity check
if len(step_resp) != len(enriched):
print('WARNING: incomplete RIGHT join')
return enriched
We have all the building blocks and we run them all together. Once again remember the order of the notebook, the code below is heavily dependent on the code cells above.
A tiny sanity check is printed but it will not catch all possible issues, notably problems with the confidence variable of weeks and steps where the questionnaires are located. If something goes wrong here, the first place to check is the configuration a few steps back.
We build and enrich the responses structure.
first_resp = all_resp[0]
first_resp = first_resp[['participant_id', 'question', 'response']].copy()
first_resp.rename(columns={'response': 'first_response'}, inplace=True)
last_resp = all_resp[-1]
last_resp = last_resp[['participant_id', 'question', 'response']].copy()
last_resp.rename(columns={'response': 'last_response'}, inplace=True)
for i in range(len(all_resp)):
this_resp = all_resp[i]
next_resp = all_resp[i+1] if i+1 < len(all_resp) else None
if next_resp is not None:
# this grouping here is the main reason why we split into lists
next_resp = next_resp[['participant_id', 'question', 'response']].copy()
next_resp.rename(columns={'response': 'next_response'}, inplace=True)
adv_step = pd.merge(this_resp, next_resp, on=['participant_id', 'question'], how='inner')
adv_step['increase'] = adv_step.next_response - adv_step.response
# last element will always be empty
df = this_resp.drop(this_resp.index)
df['next_response'] = np.nan
df['increase'] = .0
comp_resp = pd.merge(this_resp, first_resp, on=['participant_id', 'question'], how='inner')
comp_resp = pd.merge(comp_resp, last_resp, on=['participant_id', 'question'], how='inner')
comp_resp['total_increase'] = comp_resp.last_response - comp_resp.first_response
all_resp = list(map(enrich_data, all_resp))
all_resp_adv = list(map(enrich_data, all_resp_adv))
all_resp_comp = list(map(enrich_data, all_resp_comp))
# sanity check
print('We got', len(all_resp_adv), 'questionnaires of interest')
print('And we got', len(all_resp_comp), 'questionnaires with completions')
In order to display and compare distributions in time we will use groups of violin graphs. A violin graph displays two probability distributions on each side of a vertical divide, Each distribution follows a probability hence the area under each distribution is always the same, this means that once can compare the shape of the distribution but cannot compare the total height.
Several graphic libraries have violin graph engines but these engines can be unstable,
at the time of writing all graph engines with extensive violin graph options are either
in alpha or beta stages of development and can change their APIs without warning.
To make the code as long lived as possible we write our own (tiny) violin graph engine
on top of the basic violin graph functionality in the stable matplotlib
The following code builds violin graphs.
def half_violin(x, y, *args, ax=None, left=False, mean=None, meadian=None, color=None, alpha=None, **kwargs):
# force a clean plot so we can add these manualy
kwargs['showmeans'] = False
kwargs['showextrema'] = False
kwargs['showmedians'] = False
# allow for lists and single values
if type(alpha) is not list and type(alpha) is not tuple and type(alpha) is not np.ndarray:
alpha = [alpha]*len(x)
if type(color) is not list and type(color) is not tuple and type(color) is not np.ndarray:
color = [color]*len(x)
# filters out empty arrays (sanity check first)
filtered = zip(*[(x, y, c, a) for x, y, c, a in zip(x, y, color, alpha) if len(x) > 0])
if not list(filtered): # everything is empty, bail
x, y, color, alpha = zip(*[(x, y, c, a) for x, y, c, a in zip(x, y, color, alpha) if len(x) > 0])
params = ax.violinplot(x, y, *args, **kwargs)
for i, b in enumerate(params['bodies']):
if not b.get_paths(): # empty graph - violinplots do not work well with missing data
# get the center
m = np.mean(b.get_paths()[0].vertices[:, 0])
clips = [m, np.inf]
if left:
clips = [-np.inf, m]
# modify the paths to not go further right than the center
b.get_paths()[0].vertices[:, 0] = np.clip(b.get_paths()[0].vertices[:, 0], *clips)
if color[i]:
if alpha[i]:
def double_violin(xl, xr, y, *args, ax=None, color_left=None, color_right=None, **kwargs):
half_violin(xl, y, *args, ax=ax, left=True, color=color_left, **kwargs)
half_violin(xr, y, *args, ax=ax, color=color_right, **kwargs)
The question versus questionnaire graph - similar to the previous one above - will allow us to understand how to read a group of violin graphs in time. We will call one side of the violin (a distribution) a half-violin and a double sided violin (two distributions) a double-violin. (Please ignore the mathematical inconsistency of these names.)
The first double-violin contains the distribution for the first questionnaire, from which the left half-violin is the distribution of all answers from all participants whilst the right half-violin is the distribution of answers of the participants which advanced to the following step/questionnaire. The next double-violin contains the answers for the next questionnaire, again, all of them on the left and the part that advanced on the right. Hence the complete graph can be read left to right: all answers for first questionnaire versus answers to the first by participants that did answer the second, then the second questionnaire's all answers on the left of second double-violin and so on. Note that the answers to the first questionnaire by participants that answered the second questionnaire are a different set of answers than the answers to the second questionnaire. i.e. the right half-violin of the previous double-violin and the left half-violin of the current double-violin has the same participants answering but it has their answers at two different points in time.
In order to see statistical significance across half-violins distributed from a different number of data points we add transparency based on the amount of data. The colors are more opaque (brighter in a white background) as more data is used. For the case of a MOOC, where people give up as the course progresses, we see more and more transparent violins as we go right (forward chronologically).
n_questions = max(map(lambda x: len(x.question.unique()), all_resp))
fig, ax = plt.subplots(n_questions, 1, sharex=True, figsize=(20, 6*n_questions))
ticks = list(range(len(all_resp)))
labels = list(map(lambda x: f'questionnaire {x+1}', ticks))
for i in range(n_questions):
fil = lambda x: x[x.question == i+1].response.dropna().reset_index(drop=True)
left = list(map(fil, all_resp))
right = list(map(fil, all_resp_comp))
atmp = np.array(list(map(len, left)))
alpha = atmp / (atmp.sum() * 2) + .5 # weight size for alpha values
double_violin(left, right, ticks, ax=ax[i], color_left='khaki', color_right='orchid', alpha=alpha)
ax[i].set_ylabel(f'question {i+1}')
ax[-1].set_xticklabels(labels, rotation=45, ha='right')
fig.suptitle("Confidence Questions' Answers", y=.9, fontsize=14)
Figure 2: Violin graphs for Questionnaire Answers to each Question. We see similar distributions as in the previous graphs but the violin graphs are probabilistic distributions as opposed to the previous raw histograms. Where before missing questions from questionnaires appeared as empty graphs here the missing questions appear as missing half-violins. Note that the last half-violin will always be a half as there is no next week/questionnaire to advance to.
From the current data we see the better shapes around specific answer values, sometimes we see a move towards $3$ and $5$ and sometimes toward all high values: $3$, $4$ and $5$.
Remember that the violin graphs allow us to inspect the distribution shape with more precision than raw histograms but the height of the distribution is meaningless when compared because all distributions have the same area. The total amount of data points is shown by the brightness of the color, by the opaqueness, where less data makes for transparent (bleak) graphs.
The main reason for the violin graphs is that we can split the data across statistics of participants and plot a set of violins for each split. We can take any column from the participant table of the data model.
Let us take any of the participant statistics and check the values.
We can do this with value_counts
Note that the list of values is always in decreasing order, which also means a decreasing statistical value. For each grouping in the statistic we can plot a set of violin plots as we did before for all questionnaires. We will do so in the decreasing order of statistical significance and the graphs shall vanish as we go from left to right.
The graphs may become unreadable if there are too many groupings
hence we will make a default limit of a maximum of $13$ groupings.
The value is arbitrary and woks well for a standard screen size
(around $20$ inches wide) and $3$ questionnaires.
One can use the limit=
parameter to adjust the limit as needed.
One can even say limit=None
to remove the limit altogether and
plot all groupings even if they exceed $13$ groupings.
# to keep things readable, we limit by 13 biggest values by default
def plot_response(stat, dropouts=False, start=0, limit=13):
n_questions = max(map(lambda x: len(x.question.unique()), all_resp))
estat = participant[stat].value_counts()
fig, ax = plt.subplots(n_questions, 1, sharex=True, figsize=(20, 6*n_questions))
all_adv = all_resp_comp
if dropouts:
all_adv = all_resp_adv
colors = [('khaki', 'orchid'), ('seagreen', 'firebrick')] * int(np.ceil(len(estat) / 2))
ticks = list(range(len(all_resp)))
complete_ticks = []
labels = list(map(lambda x: f'questionnaire {x+1}', ticks))
complete_labels = []
walk = enumerate(estat.index)
if limit:
walk = list(walk)[start:limit]
for n_stat, cur_stat in walk:
max_respondents = np.array([0]*len(all_resp))
for i in range(n_questions):
fil = lambda x: x[(x.question == i+1) & (x[stat] == cur_stat)].response.reset_index(drop=True)
left = list(map(fil, all_resp))
right = list(map(fil, all_adv))
# weight size for alpha values (prevent division by zero)
atmp = np.array(list(map(len, left)))
alpha = atmp / (atmp.sum() * 2 + .1) + .5
cleft, cright = colors[n_stat]
double_violin(left, right, ticks, ax=ax[i], color_left=cleft, color_right=cright, alpha=alpha)
ax[i].set_ylabel(f'question {i+1}')
max_respondents = list(map(lambda x: max(*x), zip(max_respondents, atmp)))
complete_ticks += ticks
ticks = list(map(lambda x: x+n_questions+1, ticks))
def mklabels(l):
q, stat = l
return f'{cur_stat} ({stat}/{estat[cur_stat]}) - ' + q
complete_labels += list(map(mklabels, zip(labels, max_respondents)))
ax[-1].set_xticklabels(complete_labels, rotation=45, ha='right')
fig.suptitle(stat, y=.9, fontsize=14)
return estat
We can now plot against whichever statistic we may wish with a simple function call.
Figure 3: Violin Graphs for each Highest Education Level Grouping. The graphs use less and less statistically valuable groupings as we read from left to right. The transparency of the graphs indicates the statistical significance within that grouping (amount of data used). While the significance across groupings can be estimated from the bottom labels. Each label contains the size of the complete grouping, hence it is the amount of data used for the complete set of violin graphs. Each violin graph set is separated by the color convention, the sets alternate between yellow (khaki) left / pink (orchid) right and green (sea green) left / orange (firebrick) right.
The function that generates the graph can be called with
plot_response('statistic', dropouts=False, start=START_NUMBER, limit=LIMIT_NUMBER)
Where both start=
and limit=
are optional and 'statistic'
is a column from
the participant table - which must be placed in quotes.
On the left of the violins we plot all participants,
whilst on the right of the violin we plot the participants that kept on with
the course to the following weeks.
The dropouts=
parameter, if set to a true value will include - in the right
half-violin - participants that continued the course for a while more but
then dropped out eventually from the course.
When dropouts=False
(the default), the right half-violins include
only the participants that finished the MOOC.
Statistic groupings will be plotted in decreasing order,
the start=
parameter is the number of groupings to ignore from the left.
Whilst the limit=
is the grouping at which to stop plotting also from the left.
For example, to plot from the second grouping and plot $3$ groupings one would do:
plot_response('higher_education_level', start=1, limit=4)
This plots the 2nd, 3rd and 4th groupings.
In the case of our data these are "university_degree", "university_masters" and "tertiary".
To plot just a single grouping one must set start=
and limit=
to adjacent numbers.
For example, to plot the grouping for "university_masters" in our data one would do:
plot_response('higher_education_level', dropouts=False, start=2, limit=3)
The syntax for start=
and limit=
is zero based counting, borrowed from Python lists.
Let's try an example with a different statistic.
plot_response('age_range', dropouts=True, limit=3)